A few years ago, when the parish leadership asked for suggestions on how to both reinvigorate the parish post pandemic, and strengthen the men of our community, I recalled my experience with the That Man Is You men’s ministry at St. Joan of Arc in Marlton and offered to gather a team and lead the new ministry. TMIY promotes men to connect in community with Jesus Christ.
The sounds of popular media, secular movements, and ideas promoted from those who do not believe in Christ can sometimes drown out the voice of God. And, in our busy and demanding lives, it becomes difficult to find time to feed our relationship with Christ, which in turn diminishes our ability to hear God’s voice. Founder of TMIY, Steve Bollman states, “Wherever you are in your spiritual life, Jesus Christ wants to meet you right there and take you further”. The men’s ministry of CTK is open to all men, single or in a relationship. While some of our attendees are young and just beginning family life, some are navigating the stress of long-standing careers, college-aged children and aging parents, and others like myself, are grandfathers, but we come together to form a special community because we turned down the volume of the crowd and made the humbling and conscious decision to listen to God’s voice and allow him to lead us on our path.
As we begin our fourth year, we hope you hear the call and join us as we connect with Christ and with each other. Meetings are Wednesdays at 6:30 AM in Morgan Hall. You can email Joe McElroy for more information at proprinting@comcast.net