Parish Nurse members Mary Ann McMahon, Mary Helf, Kaye Malcarney, Maryann Clayton, Carolyn DeCicco, and Susanne Clark
The National Catholic Mental Health Campaign is a year-round initiative to “raise awareness of the mental health crisis, combat stigma surrounding the topic of mental health, and advocate for all those impacted by the crisis.” The faithful are encouraged by the U.S. Bishops to fervently pray for those afflicted with the pain of mental illness and for their caregivers. Findings from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Substance Abuse and Mental Health National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) in 2023 discovered that “4.5 million youth (ages 12 to 17) had a major depressive episode in the past year, of which nearly 1 in 5 also had a substance use disorder.”
In addition to prayer, our Parish Nurse ministry seeks to provide tangible opportunities to strengthen and support the health and well-being of our community members. Recently, two ministry members visited the Haddonfield Police Department to learn how to properly dispose of medications that are in your home and no longer needed. Drug take-back programs provided by local law enforcement agencies and pharmacies are a safe and environmentally sustainable way to reduce the risk of accidental poisoning or the intentional misuse of prescription drugs.
Kaye Malcarney, RN is currently securing dates from a local agency to provide CPR training to interested parishioners. In 2022, approximately 15 staff and parishioners were CPR-trained and certified. Maryann Clayton, RN, works part-time for the Camden County Health Department, administering flu shots and children’s immunizations. Maryann shares that while this mobile service is open to all, those without insurance are incredibly grateful for this free service which protects them against illness and disease.
Prescription medications can be dropped off in the box located in the lobby of the Haddonfield Police Department located at 242 Kings Highway East, Haddonfield. Monday thru Friday 8AM-4PM (excluding holidays). Note: This is a 24/7 service so ANY time anyone wants to drop off prescription medications they may do so. When the lobby door is locked, follow the instructions on the phone located outside of the door. Reach out to your local pharmacy for drop-off information on items not accepted at the Department: Needles, liquids, over the counter medications and vitamins/supplements. Call the Parish Office for information on our next CPR training session.
My Journey to Life

CTK for Life members Jennifer Barker, MD., Marilyn Schifmann, and Julia Schanne.
I haven’t always been pro-life. In the 1970s, it became fashionable to rally in favor of abortion, and rather than informing myself of the devastation that this movement could cause, I chose to do nothing. As I reflect on my journey, I am grateful to God for the men and women who educated themselves [and others] from the start about the tragedies that abortion causes. For every preborn Life intentionally ended, and from that, the brokenness experienced by the mothers and fathers, these early supporters of Life have not allowed popular opinion to dissuade them from protecting the Gift of Life.
My mind and heart began changing when my husband and I, neither of us Catholic, wanted to conceive a child. Through our difficulties with fertility, we started the process of adopting a baby from India. At the time, we were living in Seattle, and we were overjoyed when our precious six-week-old son arrived from Calcutta in 1982. While I could no longer passively support abortion, I still had not yet chosen to support Life. I now recognize that God was slowly revealing himself to me through those around me and teaching me the wonder of each Life, uniquely created in his Divine Image. My commitment to Life grew as God drew me closer to the Catholic faith. In the fall of 1991, I entered the RCIA program at the local parish, and in 1995 our family moved to Haddonfield.
Before joining CTK, I participated in local 40 Days for Life vigils, and with each prayer, I connected more deeply to an internal sense of grief for the wounding choice. This sense of loss has led me to pray outside the women’s clinic in Cherry Hill, even when a vigil is not occurring, and to write prayer dialogues between all involved in this sad process that is illegal in only thirteen states. Since joining CTK in 2022, I have been grateful to Father Jon for his support of the CTK for Life ministry, of which I am a part. Our small ministry aims to promote the goodness of choosing Life.
Marilyn Schiffman is a CTK for Life ministry member and supporter of common ground legislation.
Support Life:
1. Read the book “Angels in the Waters” by Regina Doman. Written as a dialogue between a baby growing in the womb and his guardian angel, it gives a voice to the baby from conception to birth.
2. Purchase an NJ Right to Life car raffle ticket at any Mass on the weekend of November 3.
3. Reach out to ministry-lead Jennifer Barker to learn more about this ministry.