CTK parishioner and HMHS senior Ryan Buschman recently completed his senior project entitled, “Active Shooter Drills: The Impact on Student Academics, Focus, and Concentration.” His method included interview and survey analysis. He concluded that there is a slight negative impact on student’s focus following an active shooter drill. Ryan hopes to continue his research in the future, noting that research and data analysis does often lead to a change in behavior. Recently he founded a chapter of Students Demand Action at the high school. The goal of his group is to educate students and the local community to reduce gun violence in schools and all places throughout the country.
In June of 2022, the USCCB penned a bipartisan letter to Congress, urgently calling for them to “unite in their humanity to stop the massacres of human lives.” The Bishops’ plea was underscored by the need for funding to help schools prevent violence, including mental health initiatives and access to equitable services for non-public schools. The letter also referenced the work of Peter Langman, Ph.D. in “School Shooters: The Myth of the Stable Home,” which found that 82% of the 56 sampled school shooters grew up in dysfunctional families. The Bishops implored the senators to promote a culture of life by cultivating a strong family life, reinforcing that “respect for human life is the starting point for confronting a culture of violence.”
*** usccb.org
CTK for Life is looking for stewards to serve with them to promote the dignity for all human life, contact the parish office or visit our website for more information.