When is the church open for prayer?
The church is generally open on weekdays from 7:30 AM to 4 PM; on Saturday from mid-morning until after the 5 PM Mass; and on Sunday from 7 AM to after the last Mass.
How can I ask the priest to bless my home or car?
You can make an appointment for your home blessing by contacting the office. You can bring your car to the church for a blessing. If you are coming outside of Mass, you should call ahead to confirm the priest’s availability. No donation is expected of parishioners for either blessing.
Do you offer gluten-free hosts?
We supply low-gluten hosts made by the Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration and approved by the US Bishops. The only ingredients are wheat starch and water. They are less than 0.001% gluten. Before Mass, you can ask an usher to place a low-gluten host in a separate pyx (container) for you. During Communion, you should approach the priest and ask for the low-gluten host.
How do I request a Mass card?
In-person or on the phone during office hours, or send an email request to Denise Rudolph.
How do I add a loved one to the prayer list?
Please email your request to Denise Rudolph to have your loved one added to the sick list in the bulletin.
Can I view the bulletin on-line?
The bulletin is not available on-line, please email Denise Rudolph to have a copy mailed to you. We hope you will help support our local businesses that advertise in the bulletin.