Local Mission

In Fall 2024, the parish launched a two-year local mission with the Sisters of St. Joseph Neighborhood Center in the Cramer Hill section of Camden.

The Pastoral Council selected the Neighborhood Center because it provides a variety of services less than 20 minutes from the church. Services include a clothing pantry, a food pantry, ESL classes, and a new mother’s class.

During the two-year partnership, we will provide the SSJNC volunteer hours and financial contributions and they will provide us opportunities for education, advocacy, and action for every interested parishioner from the homebound to the youth.

Contact Cheryl Judge, Director of Stewardship, to get involved.

Parishioner Photo Gallery

Support the Mission

Wish list of items always needed

Financial support via Parish Giving

2024 Love of Neighbor by the numbers

Current number of parishioners serving at the Center50
Giving Tuesday donations$10,115
Giving Tree donations$8,850 in Walmart gift cards, 124 sets of children’s pajamas, and 30 basketballs

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