
Anointing of the Sick

To recieve anointing for yourself or make a request for a loved one, please email Denise Rudolph.

Communion for the Homebound

A few of our regularly appointed Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are also available to bring the Body of Christ to those unable to physically attend Sunday Liturgy. The Homebound Ministry is a spiritually rewarding experience for all involved. If you or a loved one is unable to attend Mass and would like to receive Communion, please email Cheryl Judge.


Order of Christian Initiation For Adults

Are you an unbaptized adult that wishes to become Christian? Or were you baptized as a child in a Christian faith other than Catholicism? If so, and you wish to explore the process of becoming Catholic, please email Father Jon. If you are a Catholic in good standing with the church and are interested in teaching a lesson to those in our OCIA Program, please email Father Jon.