Altar Linen Launderers
Volunteers launder the corporals, purificators, hand towels, and linens used in the liturgy.
Altar Servers
Boys and girls from 4th through 12th grade can serve at the altar at Sunday Masses and other liturgies. High school students can receive special training as senior servers, with responsibility to lead other servers and assist as masters of ceremony for special liturgies.
For more information, please contact the Parish Office.
Singers of high caliber and a heart of service lead congregational singing at our Masses. Cantors can range from high school age through adult. A commitment of 1-3 Masses a month with rehearsals as necessary. Our CTK cantors also are available to sing for weddings and funerals.
If interested, please contact Abby Walsh for an audition.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Just before the Liturgy of the Word begins for the assembly, young children are invited to Morgan Hall. During this special time, the catechist leads the children through prayer, song, and Scripture simplified for children. They are taught a simple message from the day’s Scriptures and are encouraged to share that message with their parents after Mass.
CLOW runs from October to June. Children aged 4 to 7 are dismissed during the 9 and 11 AM Masses except during the Family Mass at 9 AM on the first Sunday of the month.
For more information, please contact Dolores Mozzillo.
Choir- Adult

The parish adult choir rehearses weekly on Wednesday from October to June. The choir sings at Mass two times a month and for special Masses. To see the rehearsal and Mass schedule for the 2024-2025 season click this link Adult Choir Schedule 2024-2025
If interested, please contact Abby Walsh
Choir- Youth
The parish youth choir is open to students in third through eighth grade. The choir meets weekly from October through May and sings at Mass once a month. To see the rehearsal and Mass schedule for the 2024-2025 season click this link Youth Choir Schedule 2024-2025
If interested, please contact Abby Walsh, or follow the link to sign up Youth Choir Sign Up Form
Church Decorators

The ministry is responsible for arrangements in the sanctuary each weekend and special ones for the sacraments of Confirmation and First Communion. Of course Christmas and Easter are special times and require many extra helpers. The purpose of this group is to enhance the prayer space and add to the beauty of Christ the King Church. Participants require a love of flowers, some arranging knowledge, and a willing spirit.
For more information, please contact Arlene Boerum at 856-546-8056.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Parishioners at least 21 years of age can attend the diocese’s School of Liturgy and assist in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass or to the homebound.
For more information, please contact Bob Tulini.

Parishioners who have received the sacrament of Confirmation can attend the diocese’s School of Liturgy and proclaim the Word of God at Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation. Lectors rotate among themselves for weekday Masses.
For more information, please contact Bob Tulini.
Teen Mass Band
The Teen Mass Band provides worship for the monthly Teen Mass. If you are of high school age and play an instrument, consider serving in this ministry. The group meets monthly before the start of the Teen Mass. If interested, please contact Abby Walsh
Ushers welcome parishioners, help with seating when needed, take the collection, coordinate the offertory procession, assist with the Communion procession, and hand out bulletins as the assembly leaves.
For more information, please contact Bob Tulini.