Ministry Matters – Mary Undoer of Knots

Prior to joining Christ the King in 2014, I was active at Christ our Light, where I met the then Parochial Vicar, Father Jon Thomas. Excited by his request for me to lead the service and fellowship events for their Young Adult Ministry, I eagerly jumped on board.
While working within the confines of this ministry and parish stipulations, I began to see the opportunity to form a new ministry and wished to do so in a way that would honor my grandmother. Although grateful to COL for allowing this new ministry to start, I experienced creative differences and challenges that many people face during the inception of a new idea. After much thought and consideration, I chose to leave COL and I continued to develop this ministry with the support of my family and friends. Mary Undoer of Knots officially began on September 8, 2014.

My parents opened their home for our initial planning meetings. Our members, whose age ranges from 21-50, enjoy faith-based fellowship and provide service to our local community. For those unfamiliar with Our Lady under the title Mary Undoer of Knots, the Blessed Mother can intercede for you and undo the knots, problems/challenges that you face in your life. In September 2016, we were welcomed to CTK by Father Jim Dever, O.S.F.S.

Our faith-based activities include hosting events with guest speakers, attending the Stations of the Cross, and gathering for Mass followed by enjoying breakfast together. Spending time together like this, the members form a close bond with one another and feel comfortable within the church community. An integral part of our ministry is in providing service and support. Local communities in need that we have supported include Our Lady Star of the Sea School in Atlantic City, Good Counsel Homes in Riverton, and Unforgotten Haven in Blackwood. It is especially enriching when we meet those in the communities we support. Oftentimes, we link our fellowship events with our worship and service times together. I am inspired by the meaningful friendships that have come out of this ministry, and I hope that you will join us for one of our upcoming events.

Information on trivia night, dinner and bowling, “Name That Tune,” and our milestone celebrations for the MUOK will all be posted in the bulletin. Or for more information please email me at

Rosanne Sacchetti