Giving Tree
Since partnering with the Sisters of Saint Joseph Neighborhood Center, this ministry is undergoing a modification to its layout and delivery of Christmas gifts. Check back for more information and exciting new opportunities.
For more information, please contact the Parish Office.
Hospitality Committee
The hospitality committee takes pride in providing the culinary arts for parish events. We are responsible for decor and table design, food layout, and bartending during select events like parish-wide meetings and celebrations after Sunday Mass. Our goal is to make these events a welcoming, joyous, and nourishing experience for parishioners and visitors alike.
For more information, please contact the Parish Office.
Knit, Crochet, Pray

Our members provide prayer shawls for anyone in need of extra comfort. In 2023 the ministry also provided almost 200 handmade comfort pieces to local organizations which included a cancer treatment center and a food pantry. Items include, scarves, hats, lap blankets, and shawls. The parish supplies the yarn and crochet and knitting classes are available. The ministry meets in Morgan Hall twice a month to share prayers, patterns, and ideas for continued outreach.
For more information on this ministry, go here or to obtain a prayer shawl, please contact the Parish Office.
Parish Nurse Ministry

The Health Ministry is composed of retired and active healthcare professionals who offer valuable services to all of our parishioners. Some highlights include organizing CPR training classes, providing blood pressure readings after Masses, and organizing health presentations.
If you are a healthcare professional who would like to assist with this ministry, please contact the Parish Office.
Photography Ministry
A picture is worth a thousand words! We have many events and services at CTK that we love to promote in the bulletin, on social media, and in local papers but our busy staff members can’t always take photos! This is a great way to get confirmation or high school service hours or to try that new hobby you’ve always thought about.
For more information, please contact the Parish Office
Remembering the Innocent
Our mission is to offer an opportunity of remembering and healing to those who have suffered the loss of a child in utero, infancy or early childhood. If you know anyone who has suffered such a loss, please encourage them to attend.
We invite you to consider your intentions, as they relate to the ministry’s purpose, of remembering and healing. Write down the name of your loved one; in utero, infancy or in early childhood, and place it into the receptacle in the lobby.
For more information, please contact the Parish Office.
Respect Life

As the USCCB states, “The Catholic Church proclaims that human life is sacred and that the dignity of the human person is the foundation [for] all the principles of our social teaching.” In promoting the dignity of the human person, this ministry seeks to prayerfully and financially support the women and their families who choose life. We have financially supported various organizations that serve young mothers and their babies and continue to grow as a beacon of hope for those in our community and to promote the dignity of all human beings.
For more information, please contact Jen McHugh-Barker. Community opportunities
Rosary Making Ministry

Each baby baptized at CTK receives a handmade rosary from this ministry. The ministry also provides rosaries to our First Communicants as well as local organizations.
For more information, please contact the office.
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Click here to be redirected to the website of the CTK chapter website of SVDP.
Sweet Blessings
Sweet Blessings delivers home-baked goods to sick, elderly, and home-bound parishioners. We believe that small gestures, done in Christ’s name, make a big difference. When we hear of a need, we coordinate with the Parish Office and respond with care. Through the kindness and generosity of our bakers and delivery volunteers, we work to comfort fellow parishioners.
Transportation Ministry
Driving is a privilege most of us take for granted. However, if that privilege is no longer available to us, the loss of independence can be devastating. If you can provide a ride to a parishioner in need, for a doctor’s appointment, an event or service at CTK, or a quick trip to the store, your service can transform the way one looks at their current situation. Your kindness could be the saving grace someone needs during their time of transition. If you are going through a transition and are in need of a local ride, please call the office and we will do our best to accommodate your needs. We ask that our drivers be over 21, have a valid driver’s license and be fully insured.
For more information, please contact the Parish Office.