6 weeks of exploring the Gospel during Lent in small groups and discovering how God is present in your daily life
Meetings start btwn 12th and 18th of Feb and end btwn 18th and 24th of March
Jen Coelho
Sundays 8am-9am: Sign Up Here!
Jen and her husband Chris have been parishioners at CTK since 2007 when they moved to Haddonfield. With an infant in tow, Jen joined a faith sharing group for young moms in 2008; those gatherings cemented CTK as both a place of worship and community. The coffee and tea will be hot on Sunday mornings in the library of Morgan Hall; all are welcome.
Veronica and Jimmy Spilker
Tuesdays 730pm: Sign Up Here!
Veronica and Jimmy are so thankful to be part of the community at Christ the King and love getting to know new people! We hope to see you at our home in Cherry Hill on Tuesday nights to 730-9pm!
Susan Woolley and Jen Barker
Tuesdays 730pm: Sign Up Here!
Jen and her family have been part of the parish since 2004 while Susan has been a member of Christ the King since 2010. Between them, they have 9 children – Jen with 1 middle schooler, 1 high schooler and one college student; Susan has 2 children in high school and 4 college age children. Jen is a pediatrician in Washington Township and Susan recently started a new role at GrayMar Environmental.
Come as you are and meet new friends and greet familiar faces at Jen’s house on Tuesdays at 7:30 PM.
Megan D’Antonio and Genna Grabbe
Thursdays 915am
Megan and her husband, Peter, have been parishioners at Christ the King since 2016. They have three children ages 4, 3, and 1. Genna and her husband Henry have been parishioners since 2020, and their daughter recently celebrated her first birthday. Megan and Genna met at CTK and are excited to connect with other moms in the parish. Their group meets at Megan’s home in Haddonfield at 915 am on Thursday mornings. Children are welcome!
This group is currently full, but please reach out to vspilker@ctkhaddonfield.org if you are interested in this type of group for mothers and young children so we can start to work on more groups!
Mary Beth Sauter
Thursdays 630pm: Sign Up Here!
Mary Beth left her hometown of Washington, DC many years ago to become Mrs. Alfred Sauter of Cherry Hill, NJ. We’ve been blessed with 6 children and 10 grandchildren and miraculously the house still stands. Come join our group as we study the gospels and deepen our relationship within Christ the King.
Merri Votta
Wednesdays 330pm: Sign Up Here!
Merri’s group meets on Wednesday afternoons at Merri’s home.
Mary Ann + Mary
Tuesdays 6:30pm
This group is currently full. Mary Ann and Mary lead a group on Tuesdays nights!
Don’t see a group that fits your schedule?
Interested, but the group is already full?