Excitement is building for our local mission with the Sisters of Saint Joseph Neighborhood Center. Last week, Sr. Clarisa, Outreach Coordinator, invited new ESL volunteers to the Center for a tour and briefing on the program. Previously offering classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Sr. Clarisa reported that due to overwhelming support from parishioners, the Center is opening a third day as an option for the neighbors. Sr. Clarisa also expressed the gratitude felt by the neighbors toward the volunteers for helping them learn the language. Some of those served by the Center held professional degrees in their homeland; now, in America, they are eager to learn the language and hopeful to provide for their families as they did before fleeing their severe circumstances. CTK Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion and SSJNC volunteer Ed Mooney echoed Sr.’s words of gratitude expressed by the neighbors. Ed makes a ‘Retail Rescue’ pick-up from St. Andrew’s Methodist Church in Cherry Hill each Wednesday. Since beginning his service in early 2023, Ed is continually struck by the sheer joy and gratitude of all he encounters: the neighbors, Center staff, and those at St. Andrews. This month, Ed added CTK to his collection route. If you cannot bring your donated items directly to the Center, bring them to the Parish Office or MH drop spot for Ed to deliver. SSJNC roll-out weekend is September 8 at all Masses, and registration is still open for the annual SSJNC TopGolf outing on Thursday, August 15, at 5:30 PM; see the flier inside the bulletin.