The couples renewing their wedding vows during the Mass on February 2, 2024.
Sacred Scripture begins with the creation and union of man and woman and ends with “the wedding feast of the Lamb” (Rev 19:7, 9). Scripture often refers to marriage, its origin and purpose, the meaning God gave to it, and its renewal in the covenant made by Jesus with his Church. Man and woman were created for each other. By their marriage, the couple witnesses Christ’s spousal love for the Church. One of the Nuptial Blessings in the liturgical celebration of marriage says, “Father, you have made the union of man and wife so holy a mystery that it symbolizes the marriage of Christ and his Church.”*
In February, CTK saw the return of the Celebration of Marriage event. The evening began with a beautiful Mass, during which 65 couples, each a testament to the power of love, renewed their wedding vows. The couples in various stages of marital life, were then privileged to hear witness stories from parishioners John and Merri Votta and Len and Julie Ridilla. We are grateful to our two couples for sharing their stories with us – the stories of their love, family life, and the importance of having God at the center of their union, resonated deeply with all present.
Earlier that day, the hospitality ministry worked their magic, transforming Morgan Hall into a warm and inviting wedding hall. The chairs adorned with tulle bows, the white rose floral centerpieces, the soft glow of candlelight, and the memory board filled with attendees’ wedding photos all contributed to the welcoming atmosphere. The wine and cheese reception, complete with desserts from our Sweet Blessings ministry, was a perfect setting for our married couples to share laughter and make cherished memories.
* USCCB.org
Save the date for the Celebration of Marriage on Friday, February 7 at 7PM. Contact George Hutchinson if you wish to assist in the planning of this event.