Will you commit to sitting before the Lord in our Adoration Chapel?
Do you find yourself more stressed than usual? Are anxious thoughts creeping in during your daily tasks or while engaged in activities that usually bring you happiness? Challenging times come to all of us, and while we may be unable to control the events that bring us stress, confusion, or hurt, we can change how we respond to those events.
If you are not already practicing Eucharistic Adoration, we encourage you to add it to your Lenten journey. CTK parishioners and believers around the globe have found a source of hope, refreshment of mind, heart, and soul through spending time in Eucharistic Adoration. It’s a practice that can bring a sense of peace and optimism even in the most challenging times.
In 2023, we ran a small campaign at the parish to raise funds to renovate our Adoration Chapel. Sixteen weekly adorers donated to the fund, which raised over $26,000. The goal of the renovation committee was to offer a clean, uncluttered, and inviting atmosphere that would allow visitors to more easily quiet their minds and open their hearts as they gaze upon the Lord. Now, as you open the entryway door, you will notice a statue of Mary welcoming you to spend time with her Son. The pedestal she rests on was locally handcrafted, as was the devotional shelf, which holds the handmade rosaries lovingly supplied by our Rosary Ministry. As you make your way further into the chapel, your eyes immediately catch the gleaming gold of the monstrance, which was refurbished in 2021 thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor. Our faithful adorers have marveled at the beauty and simplicity of the updates, and we are grateful for their support.
We hope you consider the sense of calm that can be found in each moment offered in Adoration. In his 2008 letter on the Occasion of the World Day of Prayer, Pope Benedict XVI stated, “I would like to recall the priority of prayer over action since it is on prayer that the effectiveness of action depends. The Church’s mission largely depends on each person’s personal relationship with the Lord Jesus and must therefore be nourished by prayer”.
Find resources to begin your Eucharistic Adoration by visiting ctkhaddonfield.org/firststep. For those ready to sign up to sit an hour in the presence of the Lord, visit our online scheduling link, Adore24.io.