Song, Laughter, and Community

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Josh and Diana Eckert pictured with their children, Elizabeth and Thomas after Christmas Mass at CTK.

It’s early Sunday morning, and Josh and I wake up to our daughter Elizabeth, who exclaims, “Yay! It’s Family Mass day! I can’t wait to sing in the choir with my friends!” Our preschooler, Thomas, chimes in, “And I can’t wait for all the treats afterward!” There is something for everyone at Family Mass, which takes place at 9:00 AM on the first Sunday of the month throughout the school year.

During Family Mass, Fr. Jon shares kid-friendly homilies and engages the children with thoughtful questions. Director of Liturgy and Music Abby Walsh leads a fun service opportunity for children (kindergarten through eighth grade) with the innovation of the Family Mass Pick-Up Choir. The children’s enthusiasm and sweet-sounding singing voices fill us with immense joy, leaving us with a smile that lasts all day!

As Thomas mentioned, there are treats after Mass! With the plentiful and delicious homemade goodies and breakfast foods provided by the Sweet Blessings and Hospitality ministries, we never go home hungry. As we sample the goodies, we enjoy talking with fellow parishioners and interacting with new friends. It is a gift to us, as parents, to witness our kids enjoying wholesome fellowship while working on a seasonally themed and religiously based craft that has been thoughtfully prepared by Dolores Mozzillo, Director of Religious Education. 

Last Sunday was another successful Family Mass. After seeing the impressive attendance in church, hearing the 30 children singing from the choir loft, and enjoying the company of fellow believers in Morgan Hall, I am optimistic that the Church’s future is in good hands. The children are eager to participate, our community is thriving, and I am blessed to grow my faith in this community.

If you have not attended Family Mass yet, we invite you to join us at 9 AM on Sunday, April 6. Josh and I invited friends, and after experiencing our warm and welcoming community, they felt a sense of belonging and were eager to return. There is truly something for everyone at Christ the King.

Diana Eckert participates in Adult Choir, Little Disciples, and belongs to a Faith Sharing Group.