We are Stewards not Volunteers

Flanked by her sister Jackie Tomasso and husband Anthony Rosa, Karena is pictured at the Stewards’ Brunch with loving members of her family.
We have almost thirty ministries at Christ the King, and rather than identifying those who serve in ministry as volunteers, we call them stewards.  While volunteers provide essential service to their community, local school, or an international cause, the difference between a volunteer and a steward lies in the intent of that service. Jesus calls each to serve. Our stewards are honoring God and fulfilling their commitment to gratefully give back to God in recognition of all he has given. The clergy and staff are most grateful to all who serve the parish, and each year, we host the Annual Stewards’ Brunch in late September.  The brunch follows the 11AM Mass, is catered by a locally owned business and this year was attended by one hundred thirty stewards, along with clergy and staff. 

A few years ago a new tradition began, “the Steward of the Year Award”.  This honor goes to someone who has faithfully served the parish and who demonstrates the spirituality of stewardship in all aspects of their life. 

Our honoree this year is Karena Rosa, MD.  Karena has served on the Pastoral Council for ten years, as secretary and later as chair.  Karena has also participated in Walking With Purpose. She exemplifies stewardship to her family, who also serve in our liturgical ministries.  Upon accepting her award, Karena sincerely spoke of her gratitude to our previous Pastor, Father Jim, for inviting her on Council.  She also shared that she was humbled to be part of the transition team when Father Jon arrived and for her consultative role during the re-opening after the pandemic. Previous honorees are Arlene Boerum, George Lynn, and Mariann Gilbride.

Go to ctkhaddonfield.org to view our ministry list.  Then begin a conversation with Cheryl Judge in the Stewardship Office on which ministry best fits your unique talents.

Finding Comfort through Christian Art

Portrait recipients Jackie and Michael Miscichowski, artwork by Michael Grossman.

Thanks to the compassionate wisdom of ministry leaders Charlie and LuAnn Sacchetti, one couple in attendance from our annual Remembering the Innocent Mass is randomly selected to receive an original work of art by local artist Michael Grossman. After suffering a loss in their family, the Sacchetti’s commissioned Michael to do a portrait of Jesus as the Good Shepherd with a baby in his arms. The painting has brought comfort to the Sacchetti’s, and they are grateful that the ministry is supported by a benefactor who continually funds new paintings. Each family chosen submits a visual concept of their loved one in heaven and can talk with Michael before the idea is given life on canvas.

In June, Jackie and Michael Miscichowski received their portrait. Married for almost fourteen years and dealing with feelings of loss after numerous unsuccessful attempts at pregnancy, Jackie and Michael sought the solace that only God’s grace can provide. Fortunately, while attending Mass at their local parish, the couple learned of our annual Mass and decided to attend. Jackie shared that before attending the Mass, she hoped to alleviate the continual sadness she felt in her heart. During the Mass, Father Jon gives each attendee an individual blessing; this, coupled with the lighting of the candles at the end, gave Jackie comfort.  Mike mentioned that he felt connected to those in attendance and sensed everyone cared about each other.  He explained that this sense of community, along with the receipt of the portrait, made him feel better, and he knows that the couple will return for the Mass on April 28, 2025. The Mass offers support to families who are seeking consolation and healing after the loss of a child in utero, infancy, or early childhood.

LuAnn Sacchetti is a member of the Rosary Ministry. She and Charlie engage in prayer for the intentions of those they meet who carry this cross with so much dignity and remain strong in their faith despite such heartache.

Scan the QR Code to register for a day that may transform your life.  Grief and sadness can leave us feeling broken and defensive, but by leaning into Mary’s heart, we take a step closer to God.  When we share our sorrows, hopes, and joys with Mary we can become more aware of and receptive to the unimaginable graces our Lord has prepared for us. On Saturday, October 26 our parish will journey to the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC. The beautiful pilgrimage allows time for private prayer, confession, praying the rosary, and community with fellow parishioners. For more information on the Remembering the Innocent ministry or on the pilgrimage, contact Dolores Mozzillo.