Search begins for new music director

The parish is seeking a new full time music director. Read the job description (PDF). Candidates should email a letter of interest and resume to Fr. Jon by Wednesday, November 22.

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Giving Tree

Through the Giving Tree, the Christ the King Community has provided Christmas gifts for children living in Camden for over 30 years. The Giving Tree is also a way to help families in need with their utilities and grocery bills. The 2023 Giving Tree will be located in the vestibule of the church beginning on… Continue reading Giving Tree

Pastor’s Page – Giving Feedback

I wasn’t around before the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), but I’m told Church leadership on every level rarely consulted its constituents. The bishop didn’t consult his priests and the pastor didn’t consult his parishioners. Since Vatican II, there’s been plentiful opportunities for consultation. Dioceses now have “priest councils” and parishes have pastoral and finance councils.… Continue reading Pastor’s Page – Giving Feedback

Eucharistic Revival

The Catholic Church in the US is in the middle of a three-year Eucharistic Revival. The purpose is to strengthen Catholics’ faith in the sacrament of the Eucharist. We are now in the second year of the revival, which is focused on parish efforts. This page belongs to one of those parish efforts, a four… Continue reading Eucharistic Revival

Spiritual Sustenance – The St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology

The St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology was established in 2001 by Dr. Scott Hahn. Dr. Hahn is a popular speaker and has authored over forty books on theology and Christian apologetics. His own conversion story, “Rome Sweet Home,” is one of the most interesting that I’ve ever read. The St. Paul Center’s mission is… Continue reading Spiritual Sustenance – The St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology