Ministry Matters – St. Vincent de Paul Society

For years I walked up the side aisle and would see the poor box labeled St. Vincent de Paul Society [SVDP] on the door at the back of the church. Often I would add loose cash to the bin, but my thought ended after I released the money into the slot. I did not take the time to consider where the aid was going or who the recipients of this goodwill were.

Grateful for so many blessings, my wife Janet and I began volunteering with SVDP in 2019. Witnessing this ministry in action has been a humbling and transformative experience for me. Volunteering at the Cherry Hill Food Pantry and Joe’s Place in Camden has given me a concrete awareness of the conditions that some of our brothers and sisters deal with daily.

“Founded in 1833, SVDP is a worldwide organization of lay Catholics, following Christ’s call to serve the poor, the suffering, and the deprived.” Our local CTK chapter of the Society carries out that mission by:

  • Providing monetary assistance for necessities such as utilities and rent.
  • Cooking and distributing meals to 100 people at Joe’s Place in Camden on the 3rd Saturday of each month.
  • Working shifts at the CHFP quarterly, which provides monthly groceries to over 600 families.
  • Finding temporary shelter for homeless individuals and families in abusive households.

    As you may know from earlier bulletins, our President’s term is over in August. Our Society stipulates that we operate with four officers, therefore, it is imperative that we name a President and Secretary soon. I have committed to the Vice President position, and Don Nigro is our Treasurer. We are working on a new website that will streamline the process for our donors when donating time or money and for our clients when requesting assistance.

    Christ has called us to be his disciples. “Whatever you do for the least of your brothers and sisters, you do unto me.” Please accept this invitation to join SVDP. It is an invitation to share your faith, hope, and Christ’s light with all you encounter. Please join us as we bring joy and love to those less fortunate.

    George Hutchinson