Ministry Matters – Walking with Purpose

My name is Emily Harker. After raising our three children in Haddon Heights, my husband Pat and I moved to Haddonfield about 12 years ago and became parishioners of CTK. I co-coordinate Walking With Purpose with Amy Scott.

Walking With Purpose is a women’s Catholic Bible study that aims to help women deepen their faith and grow in their personal relationships with Jesus Christ and others. We meet weekly. In small groups we discuss the Scripture-based lessons that we read at home; WWP focuses on the conversion of the heart more than intellectual development.

After more than one enthusiastic invitation, I attended my first WWP meeting mid-spring session of 2019; an atmosphere of genuine welcome and warmth was tangible when I entered. Greeted by smiling faces, pink tablecloths, flowers, and the smell of freshly brewed coffee, I found it easy to join a group. At the conclusion of that meeting, I joyfully signed up. The studies promote scriptural discussion and personal reflection. It was enriching to share my faith with women younger and older than myself. WWP values our schedules and begins and ends on time. Many of the women have other places they need to be, while others are able to stay and enjoy lingering for a few moments afterward.

How has WWP changed me? First and foremost, being part of a CTK ministry gave me a sense of community and belonging. Also, it provided ownership of my faith and gratitude for genuine friendships with other women who share many of the same struggles, questions, and hunger for faith and community. It felt so good when I began seeing familiar faces at weekend Masses. My faith became more integrated with all other aspects of my life, from the music I listen to, my morning routine, and the attitude I bring to my interactions in my neighborhood and with strangers. Since 2019 I have attended two national WWP conferences where we celebrated our faith among about 700 other women. I have facilitated two of our CTK studies, and am now a co-coordinator of WWP here at CTK. I agree with the 90-plus % of this year’s participants who say that their relationship with Christ has strengthened and their prayer life has improved. Our families see and benefit from these changes as well. It stands to reason that Walking With Purpose is a growing ministry. Come and see!