Ministry Matters – Remembering the Innocent

My name is LuAnn Sacchetti. I have been married to my husband, Charlie, for 48 years, have two children and two grandsons. In January 2020, we lost a grandchild. Although our daughter-in-law was only ten weeks pregnant, it was a profound loss to all involved. While the realization that the baby was with Our Lord had been helpful in the grieving process, we still felt a void in our hearts. It was during this time that I realized there were other families in this situation.

Also noticeable was the lack of bereavement ministries specifically structured to help those who had lost the youngest of God’s gifts. The Holy Spirit grabbed hold of me and led me to start this new ministry, Remembering the Innocent. Appropriately, we have chosen to honor St. Gianna Beretta Molla, the patron saint of mothers, and to ask for her intercession for the success of this ministry. St. Gianna was a young mother of three who chose to have her fourth baby, even knowing that giving birth could jeopardize her life. Indeed, she passed away one week after giving birth.

Our ministry has several goals. First and foremost is the desire to provide compassionate support to those who have lost a child in utero, infancy, or early childhood. We wish to promote healing and peace of mind to people like us who have become brokenhearted by their tragic loss. With the help of God’s grace, we hope that those in pain will find solace in the belief that our children rest in the arms of Jesus, in Heaven. Understanding and accepting that grief is an individual process and that we are on God’s timetable is at the forefront of our minds.

After months of planning and working with Dolores Mozzillo, we had our initial Mass of Remembrance and Healing on April 26, 2023. The turnout and generous donations of baby supplies exceeded our expectations and helped us fulfill yet another goal of our ministry – to provide service and donations to organizations that help young mothers and babies. The Mom’s In Need program at St. Gianna’s parish in Northfield, NJ, was the appreciative recipient of these supplies.

By the power of the Holy Spirit, we were overwhelmed and touched by those who shared their individual stories with us and assured us that the Mass was just what they needed. As He leads, we will follow!