Last weekend, Morgan Hall was buzzing with activity as we geared up for our upcoming local mission in September. Following each Mass, we held a services fair, with food and refreshments provided by the hospitality ministry. Stations showcased various services offered at the Center, with dedicated parishioners staffing them to answer questions and recruit new volunteers. Services highlighted included E.S.L classes, the food pantry, the donation organization, and the M.A.M.I.S. program. As Father Jon previously mentioned, the Center provides opportunities for community engagement for all parish members. While some services have set times, others, like organizing, sewing pantry bags, and making casseroles, can be done at your convenience. Sister Bonnie, Sister Clarisa, and Sister Mary dedicated their weekend to fostering this new relationship, and providing invaluable guidance. Sister Mary, overseeing the Food Pantry, highlighted high-demand items like dry beans, white rice, pasta, and sugar-free cereals. The team is grateful for the parishioners’ enthusiasm, with thirty signing up to serve in nine different areas. Contact Cheryl Judge for more info.