The primary goal of the Vacation Bible School team is to bring God glory by boldly and unashamedly proclaiming him to a strategic group – young people. From both a biblical and statistical point of view, young people are a big deal. They are also dearly cherished by our Lord and tend to be softhearted toward spiritual things. And we love them! We want children to come to Christ without being hindered in any way from doing so. As we do each August, the VBS team offers a biblically rich week with off-the-chart, irresistible fun. We fill each day with excitement and adventure. The groups begin each morning with a high-energy start at the Jungle Jam Assembly, which includes wacky intros, lively songs, a Mission Moment, and prayer. From there, they cruise through five fun sites: Rain or Shine Bible Time, Tree-mendous Crafts, Canopy Café Snacks, Rainforest Recreation & Travelers’ Music.
The team included adults who have become regular VBS organizers for Christ the King. The young cruisers, between the ages of four and ten, totaled fifty-five. Outstanding credit goes to the student leaders, rising sixth to twelfth graders, from Haddonfield, Cherry Hill, and Haddon Township for their superior leadership and attendance. Our week concluded with a grand closing ceremony and an opportunity for parents, grandparents, and friends to experience what God had been doing all week at VBS. Next year’s session is August 4-8. To participate as a student or adult leader on the VBS team, contact Dolores Mozzillo.