We are Stewards not Volunteers

Flanked by her sister Jackie Tomasso and husband Anthony Rosa, Karena is pictured at the Stewards’ Brunch with loving members of her family. We have almost thirty ministries at Christ the King, and rather than identifying those who serve in ministry as volunteers, we call them stewards.  While volunteers provide essential service to their community, local… Continue reading We are Stewards not Volunteers

Get to Know Us

An Open Invitation Lauren Pappas in Avalon last year with her sons, Joseph and Paul. Four years ago, a friend and Walking with Purpose (WWP) member asked me multiple times to attend the weekly meeting in Morgan Hall.  However, each invitation made me hesitate, asking myself, “Am I a good enough Catholic to participate in… Continue reading Get to Know Us

Express Yourself

Bernadette Plageman after the US premier of “The Way of the Cross, No 2,” pictured with Father Jon and costume designer Joe Plageman. If you were away from Haddonfield in August, you may have missed Bernadette Plageman’s inspirational mime and spoken word performance of “The Way of the Cross No. 2” at Christ the King. … Continue reading Express Yourself

Servant Leadership

Tessa Lunch (holding sign) with fellow MMA students, and faculty members, Patricia Nowlan, M.A. and Charles Jordan, J.D., M.Ed, during the rising-senior summer service immersion trip.  This summer, I had the opportunity to serve at Bethlehem Farm, a Catholic community in West Virginia. At first, I was hesitant to attend the high school service trip,… Continue reading Servant Leadership

Local Mission Launch

Outreach Coordinator, and ESL Specialist, S. Clarissa Vázquez, SSJ, enjoys the gifts of the Sweet Blessings ministry during hospitality on Sunday.  In the background, parishioners Christopher Coelho and Kim Taylor discuss service opportunities. Last weekend was the highly anticipated rollout of the CTK Local Mission. Father Jon introduced the idea of a local mission at the… Continue reading Local Mission Launch

That Man is You!

A few years ago, when the parish leadership asked for suggestions on how to both reinvigorate the parish post pandemic, and strengthen the men of our community, I recalled my experience with the That Man Is You men’s ministry at St. Joan of Arc in Marlton and offered to gather a team and lead the… Continue reading That Man is You!

The Greatest Jungle Journey, An Epic Cruise from Genesis to Revelation

The primary goal of the Vacation Bible School team is to bring God glory by boldly and unashamedly proclaiming him to a strategic group – young people.  From both a biblical and statistical point of view, young people are a big deal. They are also dearly cherished by our Lord and tend to be softhearted… Continue reading The Greatest Jungle Journey, An Epic Cruise from Genesis to Revelation

Love What You Do

Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion Tina Kemps, pictured with husband Anton at the 2024 Celebration of Marriage. Growing up in a devout Catholic family, I was fortunate to have parents deeply rooted in the schools and charities throughout the parish and local communities. Their choices exposed me to an excellent education and a commitment to… Continue reading Love What You Do